Dear Readers, good morning, good day or good night, depending on where you are in the world. Welcome to my blog! I’m grateful for the opportunity to have the venue that will allow me to share my knowledge and experience with you all. And, I look forward to learning from each and every one of you. Please comment, share what is important to you, and suggest topics for discussion. My goal for the blog is to make it interactive. I want it to be a true source of program and project management knowledge on demand.
My first post will be on agile vs. traditional waterfall methodology. My current work utilizes the agile methodology while my customer utilizes the traditional waterfall methodology, creating an on-going conflict. The customer is always worried about the work items that have a duration of multiple sprints. And, the customer is frequently confused, when seeing Sprint Burn-Down Report on the last day of a sprint with a few open work items.
Do you deal with the conflict between agile and traditional waterfall methodology? How do you address it?