APM UK 09/27/2019: I very much appreciated the opportunity to share my knowledge and experience with my colleagues from the Association for Project Managers in the UK. It was a great opportunity to not only share my experiences but also learn from my UK colleagues. We successfully utilized the Mentimeter to collect responses to questions that allowed for hands on dialogue.
You can view materials
The resources from the webinar are available for your use.
Webinar write up page: https://www.apm.org.uk/news/how-to-become-ceo-of-your-programme-webinar/ (The mentimeter resources have been included).
Slides: https://www.slideshare.net/assocpm/how-to-become-ceo-of-your-programme-webinar-27-september-2019
Recording: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YJ_3HWmx58&feature=youtu.be